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WPCA Minutes 06/13/2017
WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Richard Prendergast, Vice-chair Donna Bednar, Treasurer Doug Wilkinson, Sal Cancelliere, Steve Cinami, Dimitri Tolchinski, Rob McCarthy, Frank Chan, and Andrea Lombard.
Call to Order: Chairman Prendergast called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Approval of the minutes- May 9th, 2017: Mr. Wilkinson made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Sal Cancelliere. Mr. Prendergast made an amendment to the previous meeting minutes: under correspondence, the section that reads “storm drains and drinking wells next to data logging wells could skew results” should be amended to “storm drains, drinking wells, septic systems, and other influences could skew results.” The minutes with the amendment were approved unanimously.  
Chairman’s Report:
  • Update on Coastal Waste Water Plan and Environmental Impact Evaluation publication- The chairman had email communication with our contact at DEEP. There are some questions about seasonal conversion and the building of the pump house. The DEEP contact provided the chairman with a ROD (record of decision) discussing all the issues and concerns of the state.
  • Update on Hawks Nest monitoring:  Water flow and well evaluation- We are in the first stage. We are still collecting data and this could be a long process. We are trying to get this done before July, and we are making progress.
Budget Update and Expenses:
Treasurer Wilkinson said we have 91% of our budget unspent because we need approval from the state before we can begin our projects. As always, the Old Lyme WPCA is committed to financial responsibility. Ms. Reemsnyder recommended that we have a discussion with the town finance to discuss a carry-over of unspent money for next year’s budget.
Correspondence: None
Old Business: None
New Business:  
Benefit assessment evaluation discussion and Public Sewer education plan: Jay Sheehan gave a spectacular presentation to the WPCA. The presentation is focused on a WPCA overview, finance of a WPCA, costs to users, and the financing options. Members read the presentation, made appropriate edits, and asked intelligent questions. Mr. Prendergast also did a phenomenal job, and he reached out to Christopher Fazio for an estimate on the benefit assessment evaluation costs. Although the members were underwhelmed with the contact Christopher Kerin proposed, it was an important first step.
Public Comment:
Ms. Reemsnyder thanked the committee for all of its hard work!
Rob Breen said that it was important that we share the information with all the property owners. He said that the price of the plan will rattle many people.
Ms. Nosal said that there was a high quality discussion and she thanked the committee for its work.
Pete Garin said that Hartford Avenue was recently renovated with sidewalks and does not know how this will affect the installation of sewers.  
There was a motion to adjourn by Doug Wilkinson. The motion was seconded by Donna Bednar. The meeting was adjourned.  
Submitted by Jacob Olson